Timber Management
Box 106
Choteau, MT 59422
(406) 466-2140 / 2249
Box 188
Lincoln, MT 59639
(406) 362-4222
Serving the communities of Montana and the greater Northwest for over 45 years, Bouma Post Yards is a recognized leader in fencing supplies and wood preservation. Affiliated with the Osmose treating system, our goal is to provide our customer with the best quality product at competitive prices.
With the exception of custom orders, our extensive inventory enables us to deliver large quantities with little advance notice.
Although we deal extensively with dealers, we service any customer whether its a truck load, small pickup load, or even a couple items in the trunk of a car. Our goal is customer support – regardless of the size of the sale.We specialize in providing the American public with the finest fencing material available at competitive prices. See our page on fencing products for more information on what is available.
Our company is a leading provider of guard rail posts and sign poles lining the highways of the Northwest, combining safety with the natural look of products made in the local area.
We have one of the finest facilities in the greater Northwest for preserving wood products for use in either an agricultural or ornamental environment. See our page on wood preservation for more details.
All business associated with Bouma Post Yards is conducted at the facility at Lincoln.
All business associated with Montana Manufacturing is conducted at the facility in Choteau.
Contact Us
(406) 466-2140 (Choteau)
(406) 362-4222 (Lincoln)